“Cooperation is key for Europe’s cyber security” – Conclusion of ENISA Brussels event (27/11)

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A high-level event organised by Europe’s cyber security agency, ENISA recognised closer cyber cooperation and mutual support as key factors for boosting cyber security for Europe’s citizens, governments and businesses.

The meeting, held today (27th November) in Brussels, was led by ENISA’s Executive Director, Professor Udo Helmbrecht, and brought together key figures from the European Parliament, European Commission and the computer industry.

Participants included Ms Amelia Andersdotter, MEP and Mr Anthony Whelan, representing the Commission as Head of Cabinet for Vice President and Commissioner for the Digital Agenda Mrs Neelie Kroes. They were joined by Mr Paul Timmers, Director at DG Connect. Industry representatives were Mr Paul Nicholas, Senior Director, at Microsoft, and Mr Tom Koehler, CEO at Cassidian Cybersecurity, Germany.

ENISA is currently in the process of having its working remit renewed and revised, with a new Regulation being finalised by the European Parliament and Council of Ministers. The new Regulation will enable ENISA to better support Europe’s cyber security needs.

European Commission Vice President Neelie Kroes said: "The key to strong cyber security is sharing responsibility. That is the 'name of the game' for this event and for ENISA, and it's a more important challenge than ever as the role of the internet in our economy and society continues to grow rapidly."

Professor Helmbrecht said:  “Europe’s information society depends on secure technology, well-built laws and policies and security-aware citizens. Our event today underlined that there is a strong need for closer cyber cooperation to build an even stronger level of European cyber security, for our citizens and Europe’s digital economy.” 

At the conference, ENISA’s recent successes   in building cooperation between different cyber communities  was recognised. Examples included:

  • Supporting the set-up of up new national Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) in Cyprus, Ireland, Malta and Romania
  • Providing support for CERTS
  • Close cooperation with the Commission, Member States & now private sector on cyber security exercises
  • Conducting the first Europe-wide cyber security exercise with the private sector involved,- Cyber Europe 2012[1]  
  • Facilitating the first Annual Privacy Forum held, with the close support of the Cyprus EU Presidency.
  • ENISA’s ground-breaking role in producing the first ever comprehensive reports on cyber security breaches in Europe (under Article 13a of the EU telecoms directive)

Other areas addressed included the need for common standards in cyber security, to better enable Europe’s IT industry to compete more effectively globally. Currently, other markets, notably the United States, are ahead of Europe in having common recognised standards. 

Anthony Whelan provided the European Commission perspective, looking at the EU’s forthcoming Cyber Security Strategy, and also gave an update on the progress of the new ENISA Regulation.


For agenda of the event.

For background: New ENISA regulation proposal  and EP status

For interviews, please contact: Ulf Bergstrom, Spokesman, [email protected],: +30 6948 460 143, or Graeme Cooper, Head of Public Affairs, +30 6951 782 268

[1] The exercise was Europe’s largest to date, with 400 participants across Europe, exposed to 1000 massive simulated cyber incidents, in an unprecedented scale of exercise.